There is nothing else I need. Only my Savior. Period. So many times, I go looking for satisfaction and fulfillment in other things, when I know I will get it fully from my God! I know this because I can remember. I remember Him filling up my lungs with His joy and my life with His blessings! How can I forget this so often?
And not only has He promised me life, but He promised me to give me abundant life (John 10:10). Abundant. Full. Satisfying. Don't you want that? Doesn't everyone who has a heart and lungs and eye balls want that? I do! Then why don't I take advantage of that every single day? I look for poor excuses of happiness when I know the full joy of living for God. If I don't live for Him, I'll live for myself. And I am a harsh and critical and god of my own life.
My God has even given me an opportunity to "participate in the divine nature." Hold up. I can be like God? I can be one with the Trinity of the Dad, His perfect Son, and the Spirit that's now inside of me? Jesus calls us to be like Him, and His promises give us that opportunity. It's not anything I could ever physically do. I mess up everyday and screw up that chance. The ONLY reason I have this opportunity is because Christ, the God who created my insides and thoughts, and outsides, came down from His thrown in heaven to be a servant with dirty feet on earth. He sacrificed not only His golden crown for a bloody back and crown of thorns, but He sacrificed His oneness with God Almighty ("My God, My God, why have you forsaken me") for the "opportunity" for us, the broken sinners who spit in His face, to be one with the Trinity. The curtain that separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the Temple was now torn! We don't need an priest to intercede on our behalf anymore. Christ interceded for us! We don't need to sacrifice a lamb for our sins anymore. Chris sacrificed His own perfect body for us!
Praise God!
Julia I really like your blog page title! One of my favorite verses in scripture. Just thought I would let you know that since its so important! but this blog is seriously very encouraging. and i like the pictures too