"Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do, and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father."
How powerful is this statement! Christ has given us the authority to do even greater works that what He has done! We have the authority to heal and cast out demons. We have the God in us and for us whom parted the Red Sea and created our inmost being.
And let me tell those who are doubting this authority right now - I have seen demons come out of human bodies. I have seen God use my prayers and an elderly man's faith to heal his twisted knee right before our eyes. This is not of my authority and God know's it's not to brag - I just need you to know, you have to know, our God is big and He is powerful. He really can move the mountains and heal our broken hearts. He really can answer prayers and show us His power in the most real and unexpected ways! Not just 2000 years ago when Jesus walked on the earth! He did it two years ago when I was in Guatemala, He did it last week when I got the best opportunity and everything worked out for me to move back to Atlanta, and He did it this morning when He met me right here in my bed and wrapped me in His love. He gave us the Holy Spirit to guide us and be with us, for God's sake, don't forget about Him! Pray to the Holy Spirit every once in a while. Demand the power of God to be shown in this place, where ever you are. He will be there, I guarantee it.
Also, There are so many more Christians now than in His time - we can make such an impact together... if we feel like it. Sometimes I feel like Christians (very much including myself) are getting lazier and lazier. I mean, when Jesus ascended into Heaven, all his followers wanted to do was preach and do good works. Of course they still had to eat, drink, sleep, and many of them fell in love and started families.
Also, There are so many more Christians now than in His time - we can make such an impact together... if we feel like it. Sometimes I feel like Christians (very much including myself) are getting lazier and lazier. I mean, when Jesus ascended into Heaven, all his followers wanted to do was preach and do good works. Of course they still had to eat, drink, sleep, and many of them fell in love and started families.

At the Pentecost (Acts 2), shortly after Christ went to Heaven, more people became followers of Christ than in the 3 years of His ministry on this earth!
So what makes them so different from us?
Yes it is true that not all of us are called to be preachers - but we can still love and be open about our faith and prepare ourselves for when opportunities to share it arise! We are given the most real and powerful authority on earth! Let's use that. Let's remember why we're here. It's not for us, for crying out loud! It's for Him who died for us!
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