This invitation for those thirsting for righteousness reminds me of C.S. Lewis' The Silver Chair:
"I daren't come and drink," said Jill.
"Then you will die of thirst," said the Lion.
"Oh dear!" said Jill, coming another step nearer."I suppose I must go and look for another stream then."
"There is no other stream," said the Lion."
Everyday, before I run, I love to drink a hot cup of coffee! It's so yummy in the morning and wakes me up. However, coffee is dehydrating, and if I don't drink a lot of water throughout the previous day and with my coffee, then my mouth will be dry while I'm running and I will remain thirsty. Unless we fill our bodies with the bread of life and living water, then we will not be satisfied. We may enjoy our food or beverage for a short time, but eventually we will just have empty bellies for more.
v. 5- "Surely you will summon nations you know not, and nations that do not know you will hasten to you, because the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, for he has endowed you with splendor."
LOVE love love this verse! As someone who loves the mission field and dreams of reaching the nations, this verse keeps me going! People and nations that I don't even know yet and who don't even know my name are going to be impacted THROUGH ME by MY GOD! I so badly want that! All I need to do now is follow what I know God is telling me to do and just get out there! I need to make myself available for God to use.
Also, I love the last line, "He has endowed you with splendor." I know whenever I've gone on a mission trip to Guatemala, I do not feel anything like splendor! I feel maybe dirty and soiled from not showering or playing soccer in the dirt, but the Lord says that I will be radiant! I will bring HIS light wherever I go! He does not say I will FEEL that way. Being a Christian has nothing to do with how you FEEL... it has to do with your faith and what you trust and know to be true. Some days, I don't feel like God's princess, but that doesn't change the FACT that I am! Some days, I don't feel like sharing the Gospel with someone God's put in my life, but is that fair to them if I just hold that Truth back from them just because I don't feel like sharing it? No! We need to live by faith, because feelings and emotions come and go, but the Truth of our God is solid and remains the same.
v. 11- "So is my word that goes out from my mouth; it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."
This is super encouraging, because I know I often think that what I say is going to go in one ear and out the other, but the Lord is saying that he's going to bless my efforts of sharing his Truth. Not everytime, certainly, but who am I to decipher who my words will affect?
This verse brings me back to the story of sharing the Gospel with my best friend of 2 years. I was about to part ways with her, because we were both going to separate colleges. I was scared to death to talk to her, but I thought that if I could share the Gospel with complete strangers in Guatemala, how could I hold this Great Love back from my very best friend whom I loved dearly? So, I just went for it one day... and didn't hear from her for months. My fear had become a reality. Until I came home from school one weekend and she wanted to meet for coffee. She had read the book I gave her and gone to church with her boyfriend since I'd gone to school... and she wanted to accept the Lord. God blesses our prayers and efforts for His glory. Not every time, because then we'd start to think that it was because of something great we did and steal His glory. Also, we won't always see the fruit of our actions and prayers, but that does not mean we shouldn't try. We should always try. We have the secret to a life filled with true joy, peace, and agape love, it's selfish of us to just keep that inside.
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