Thursday, December 23, 2010

You are loved

I found this in a message sent by Chris a few months back. :) It just made my day all over again and I wanted to share it with you. Remember today that you are loved. Not just by your friends and family, husband or wife, kids and parents, but by your Savior, Maker, Redeemer. You are loved with an unconditional love that satisfies ALL of your desires. The desires we try to find other ways of satisfying over and over again. He longs to romance you, love you, hold you, encourage you... be yours. So today, give Him a chance. Let Him in and you'll be amazed.

You are loved... not just by me
You are thought about... not just by me.
You are cared for... not just by me.
You are wanted... not just by me.
You are pursued... not just by me.
You are cherished... not just by me.
You are romanced... not just by me.
You're future is secure... not by me.
You are forgiven... not by me.
You were saved... not by me.

When I end, when the world ends.... He is just beginning.
Remember that He loves you... and I will always love you too

-Your Christopher

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